RRB WCR Railway Group D Admit Card 2022, रेलवे ग्रुप डी भर्ती परीक्षा परीक्षा शहर,तिथि एवं एडमिट कार्ड 2022|
www.newsjobmp.com--MP WCR Railway Admit Card Group D West Central Railway (Jabalpur),MP Railway Group D Exam Date And Admit Card,WCR RRB Group D Exam City / Exam Date / Admit Card 2022Madhya Pradesh Railway RRC 01/2019 Exam Date, Exam City & Admit Card Exams 2022
परीक्षा तिथि -26.08.2022 to 08.09.2022
CEN No- RRC- 01/2019 (level -1 Posts) (RECRUITMENT FOR VARIOUS POSTS IN LEVEL -1 of 7th CPC Matrix)
1. CBT of above CEN will be held in multiple phases. Now, it is informed that the Second phase of the Exam i.e. Phase-2 is scheduled from 26.08.2022 to 08.09.2022 subject to the prevailing conditions and Government guidelines issued from time to time in view of handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Phase-2 will be held in various cities all over India for a group comprising of Five (5) RRCs namely RRCs: North Central Railway (Allahabad), North Western Railway (Jaipur), South East Central Railway (Bilaspur), South Eastern Railway (Kolkata) and West Central Railway (Jabalpur). Exam schedule of remaining Phases/RRCS will be announced in due course.
3. The link for viewing the Exam City & Date and downloading of Travel Authority for SC/ST candidates will be made live latest by 12:00 Hrs. on 18.08.2022 on the official websites of all RRBs.
4. Downloading of E-Call letters will start 4 days prior to exam date mentioned in Exam City and Date intimation link.
5. Aadhar linked Biometric authentication of candidates will be done in the exam centre prior to entry in the exam hall. Candidates are required to bring their original Aadhar card.
6. Candidates are advised to refer only to the official websites of RRBS for latest updates on the recruitment process. Please do not be misled by unauthenticated sources.
7. Beware of touts who try to misguide candidates with fake promises of appointment for jobs on illegal consideration. RRB selections are based on Computer Based Test (CBT) and recruitment is based only on the merit of the candidates.
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