MP CPCT Result May 2022, MP CPCT Score Card May 2022|
Results Declared for CPCT Held on"14th and 15th May 2022
Computer Proficiency Certification Test (CPCT)
Download CPCT Result And Scorecard Click Here डाउनलोड करने हेतु यहां क्लिक करें
What is CPCT course in MP?
Ans.Computer Proficiency Certification Test (CPCT)
Government of MP has decided to conduct Computer Proficiency & Certification Test (CPCT) in the State of Madhya Pradesh to access computer proficiencies and other allied skills of the aspirant for related jobs in various Government Departments and Agencies.
What is CPCT in Government job?
Ans.Computer Proficiency & Certification Test (CPCT) has been initiated in the State to assess Computer Proficiency and Typing Skills of aspirants of Government jobs.
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