MP Assistant Professor Vacancy Bharti, MP Professor Vacancy Bharti job, MP Associate Professor Vacancy Bharti, MP Librarian Vacancy Bharti Madhya Pradesh
SANCHI UNIVERSITY OF BUDDHIST-INDIC STUDIES University of Buddhist-Indic Studies invites applications for various academic positions in the University on direct recruitment basis. A number of faculty positions for Professor,Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade, Senior Grade & Junior Grade) & Librarian are available in various schools / Centres of the University. The University is seeking highly qualified, dedicated, academically productive &research oriented faculty who have strong commitment towards innovative teaching and highly quality research with a keen insight towards knowledge creation in the following subjects / disciplines. The category - wise details of advertised posts (Reservation for M.P. (India) Domicile Candidates only) are as under :
1.MP Professor Vacancy Bharti पदों का विवरण (
1.Comparative Ancient Text
2.Sanskrit Language & Literature
5.English Literature
7.Himalyan Buddhist Studies
8.Hindi Literature
9.Indian Painting
10.Library Sciences
13.Peace Studies
15.Yoga Studies
2.MP Associate Professor Vacancy Bharti पदों का विवरण
- Applied Arts
- Computer Science
- French
- Hindi Technical Language Studies
- Journalism & Mass
- Communication
- Prakrit
- Studies of Religion
- Yoga Studies
3.MP Assistant Professor Vacancy Bharti पदों का विवरण
- Anthropology Applied Arts
- Archeology
- Art History
- Buddhist Practices
- Comparative Ancient Text
- Computer Science
- Design
- Diaspora and Migration English Language Teaching
- English Translation Studies
- Film & Culture Studies
- Heritage Management Himalyan Indic Studies
- Hindi Technical Language Studies
- Hindi Vishwa Kosh
- History
- Indian Classical Dance
- Indian Classical Music Indian Painting
- Indic Scientific Texts
- Indology
- Spanish
- Japanese
- Journalism & Mass
- Communication
- Jyotish Studies
- Library Science Linguistics
- Manuscriptology
- Museology
- Pali
- Peace Studies
- Political Science
- Prakrit
- Psychology
- Computational
- Sanskrit
- Sociology
- South Asian Buddhist Studies
- Studies of Religion
- Vastu Shastra Studies
ऑनलाइन आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि: 29/08/2022
हार्ड कॉपी प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि: 07/09/2022
√ आवेदन शुल्क
Associate Professor-3000
Assistant Professor-1500
All Reserved Category-750
√ योग्यता/ Qualification MP Assistant Professor,Professor,Associate Professor,Librarian Vacancy Bharti Sanchi University madhya pradesh
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